Saturday, August 17, 2013

The First Two Days Back To School Were...


         I enjoyed getting to know your children so much. They are all so special and unique in their own way and it blesses my heart greatly to be their teacher.

The first day of school:
The 6th graders putting their binders together. 
Aren't they precious?!
                    This IS the day that the Lord has made! 
                                   Our first day activity
These creations were made through (an AWESOME 
website to create pictures out of words), using our BIO poems. 
I read this book to the students so they would know 
HOW special and unique they are!

Second Day: Learning each others' multiple intelligences!

The 6th graders getting ready to take their multiple intelligence test!
             Zach is our classroom mathematician...

  Zach finished his work early so he's enjoying a good read!

 Alex's first multiple intelligence is Body Smart! He loves sports!

Megan is also Body Smart! She said she helps with worship 
movements at her church!

Below is a list of the majority of the multiple intelligences.
      Lining up for lunch!
   I tried to get in this one but it didn't work out so well.
  Mrs. Bartlett and I excited about our first two days of teaching!
     4th, 5th, and 6th graders at P.E.
   They worked super hard! Crossfit is legit!
    Some of the 5th and 6th grade boys about to play some soccer

    The girls hanging out...
    The 4th grade boys joined in the soccer fun!
     Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Vieau
    The girls cooling off by the big fan!

                                Cute friends

I started reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
 (Chronicles of Narnia)  by C.S. Lewis with the 5th graders.
       (They were cooling off from recess and P.E.)
   The 5th graders finding out their multiple intelligences!  
Don't forget to ask your child what their multiple intelligence is!

If you want to take the test, go here:

More posts to come! It was a great two days and I'm looking forward to our first full week together.

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Houck 

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