Friday, August 23, 2013

Our First Chapel of the Year!

Our precious 6th graders got to help with the first Chapel of the year! What an honor! They did a wonderful job as well.

When we were trying to think of what to do for our 5 minutes of time, Megan Gallagher gave us the idea to worship with movements. She is apart of the worship team at her church and they lead worship with movements, how cool is that? Megan taught us the movements to "God's Not Dead" by the Newsboys, and we had a blast! It was a great way to start off the year!

Here is our first Chapel for your viewing pleasure! 

Alex, Megan and Zach

Beautiful Miss Spencer and her class

 6th graders about to say the pledge and pray
 Mrs. Cicio, our gifted music teacher!

 Rewards given at the end of the service! Mrs. Cornwell works so willingly and joyfully! 

A question for the students: What was your favorite part of chapel and why?! Answer in the comment section (click the underlined word Comment). :) 

Mrs. Houck


  1. Jack said his favorite part was getting to set up for Chapel (because they never got to do it before!!) Woo hoo for the being in the upper classes!!

  2. That's great! Jack has such a servant's heart. :)
