Wednesday, August 14, 2013

About Mrs. Houck

            Greetings! I am honored and privileged to be apart of the staff here at Christ Community School this year! This is definitely my dream job. I asked the Lord continuously throughout my schooling to give me the opportunity to work in an environment that honors Him! I am praising God because CCS is an answer to my prayers.

           I have been married for 2 years to the wonderful Mr. Houck. He is the best tangible gift God has given me on this earth. I am so thankful for his leadership in my life. My husband and I attend RiversEnd Community Church ( We helped plant the church 3 years ago and have enjoyed flourishing in the Lord together with this community of believers. My husband and I enjoy reading together, taking our dog Neila out, watching (good) movies, worshiping the Lord together, and simply being with each other. We love hanging out with family, friends, and whoever the Lord places in our path.

           Some things that I enjoy are; quiet times with the Lord, worship, homemaking, photography, spending time with family and friends, blogging, and of course... loving on precious children.

          Ever since the age of 14 I've had a desire to teach and work with children. Over the years through babysitting, nannying, working at day cares, the YMCA and going through school, the desire developed from a small one to a big one very fast. I realized a couple of years ago that this desire is truly from the Lord and I must pursue it.
          The most important thing about me is my relationship with Christ. Every day I realize more and more how GREAT Christ is and how much I need Him in EVERY aspect of my life. I believe Christ makes us whole as a person, which is the process of sanctification. With the wholeness Christ brings, we find the ability to succeed spiritually, academically, emotionally, and socially. If you are interested in my salvation story, email me and I will share it with you!

          My motto is; to live is Christ! To live life to the fullest and be the best me possible, is to depend fully on Christ and rest in His loving plan for my life.

          That's me in a nutshell! I am praying for a wonderful and successful year!

- Mrs. Houck

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