Monday, August 26, 2013

Our First Full Week of School

Our first full week of school went by so quickly! I am really enjoying teaching and getting to know all of my students.

In 5th grade History, we learned about cartographers (map makers) and geographers (a person who studies the earth). We cut out a flat map, and made it into a globe. Here are some pictures of the students with their globes.

 They sure know how to pose...

In 5th grade language arts, we learned about hyperboles and idioms.

Here are some of the students' responses:

For some reason my computer wouldn't allow me to upload the rest of the examples. I hope you find a giggle out of some of these. They will all go home in the Tuesday folder, so make sure and read your child's responses! 

Questions for parents: Do you have any hyperboles or idioms that you use often? If so, please comment with your favorite ones! 

In 6th grade, we had our first Bible Lesson test. The students did a great job! This week the scripture that needs to be memorized is Deuteronomy 7:9.

Below, the students are dividing information between the Old Testament, Gospels, Epistles, and Acts. They got a 100%. Your children are Bible Scholars! ;-)

There are some highlights from last week!

Blessings in Christ, 
Mrs. Houck

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