Monday, August 26, 2013

Compassion International

Christ Community School sponsors 3 children from Compassion International.  Don't forget to encourage your precious little ones to bring an offering if it's on their heart. Any amount is dear to our Lord if it comes from a generous, happy heart. I'm reminded of the story of the poor woman in Mark chapter 12...

"And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums.42 And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny.43 And he called his disciples to him and said to them,“Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
 Mark 12: 41- 44

I know some students may feel like a penny is useless to bring, but like this story tells us, 
It's not the amount that matters, but the heart behind our giving. The Lord knows our circumstances and will bless whatever we give, big or small. :) 

I have an offering box in my room where the students can bring money any day of the week. Each Wednesday at Chapel starting September 25th, we will put our class offering into the Christ Community School "Compassion International" fund! The sooner we begin collecting for this, the more we can bring to the table September 25th. 

Thanks for being wonderful!!!!! 

In Christ's love, 
Mrs. Houck


Today, the 6th graders are identifying elements of a humorous story. Before we read an interview with Sharon Hambrick (an author whose writings emphasize humor), I told some funny jokes to get the students thinking (and laughing). Here are some jokes I told the class today:

Read and enjoy!

1. Why did the chicken cross the playground?  
  -To get to the other slide.
2. What do you call a pig that knows karate? 
  - A pork chop!
3. Why do bees have sticky hair?  
  -Because they use honeycombs.
4. Why was the man running around his bed?  
  -He wanted to catch up on his sleep.
5. What does a robot frog say?  
  -Rib-bot. (Said in your best robot voice)
6. Why is 6 afraid of 7?  
  -Because 7 8 9!
7. What's black and white, black and white, black and white? 
  -A penguin rolling down a hill!
8. Why do cows wear bells?  
  -Because their horns don't work!
9. What does a snail say when it's riding on a turtle's back?  
10. How did the barber win the race?  
  -He knew a short cut.

Knock Knock Jokes

11. Knock, knock.  
  -Who's there?
  -Boo who?
Please don't cry. It's only a joke.
12. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
  -Nobody who?
(Stay silent)
13. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
  -Interrupting c..
(Can be used with any animal. Just interrupt the other person with the corresponding animal noise!)
14. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
Cows say.
  -Cows say who?
No silly, cows say moo!
15. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
Owls say.
  -Owls say who?
16. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
  -Tank who?
You're welcome!
17. Knock, knock.
  -Who's there?
Little old lady.
  -Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!

More Kid-Tested Jokes

18. What is brown and sticky?
-A stick!
Deborah from Learn With Play At Home
19. Why did half a chicken cross the road?
To get to his other side!
JDaniel4'sMom from JDaniel4sMom
20. What's mom and dad's favorite ride at a fair?
A married-go-round!
Henry son of Laura from PlayDrHutch
21. Where do cows go on Friday night?
To the MOOOvie theater.
Krissy from B-Inspired Mama
22. What did zero say to eight?
Nice belt!
Danielle from Mommy and Me Book Club
23. Where do sheep get their wool cut?
At the BAAAbars!
Deborah from Learn With Play At Home
24. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
-Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?
Danielle from 52 Brand New
25. Where did the king keep his armies?
In his sleevies!
Kristin from Sense of Wonder
26. Where do library books like to sleep?
Under their covers!
Kim from Adventures in Reading with Kids
27. Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?
Because it's two-tired!
From The Iowa Farmer's Wife
28. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Yourself who?
Your cell phone's ringing you better answer it.
From The Iowa Farmer's Wife
29. How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it.
Kate from Picklebums

Do you have any funny jokes you'd like to share? Please comment :) 

In Christ,  
Mrs. Houck

Our First Full Week of School

Our first full week of school went by so quickly! I am really enjoying teaching and getting to know all of my students.

In 5th grade History, we learned about cartographers (map makers) and geographers (a person who studies the earth). We cut out a flat map, and made it into a globe. Here are some pictures of the students with their globes.

 They sure know how to pose...

In 5th grade language arts, we learned about hyperboles and idioms.

Here are some of the students' responses:

For some reason my computer wouldn't allow me to upload the rest of the examples. I hope you find a giggle out of some of these. They will all go home in the Tuesday folder, so make sure and read your child's responses! 

Questions for parents: Do you have any hyperboles or idioms that you use often? If so, please comment with your favorite ones! 

In 6th grade, we had our first Bible Lesson test. The students did a great job! This week the scripture that needs to be memorized is Deuteronomy 7:9.

Below, the students are dividing information between the Old Testament, Gospels, Epistles, and Acts. They got a 100%. Your children are Bible Scholars! ;-)

There are some highlights from last week!

Blessings in Christ, 
Mrs. Houck

Friday, August 23, 2013

Our First Chapel of the Year!

Our precious 6th graders got to help with the first Chapel of the year! What an honor! They did a wonderful job as well.

When we were trying to think of what to do for our 5 minutes of time, Megan Gallagher gave us the idea to worship with movements. She is apart of the worship team at her church and they lead worship with movements, how cool is that? Megan taught us the movements to "God's Not Dead" by the Newsboys, and we had a blast! It was a great way to start off the year!

Here is our first Chapel for your viewing pleasure! 

Alex, Megan and Zach

Beautiful Miss Spencer and her class

 6th graders about to say the pledge and pray
 Mrs. Cicio, our gifted music teacher!

 Rewards given at the end of the service! Mrs. Cornwell works so willingly and joyfully! 

A question for the students: What was your favorite part of chapel and why?! Answer in the comment section (click the underlined word Comment). :) 

Mrs. Houck

Monday, August 19, 2013

Made Alive!

I wanted to share my current "Anthem song"...

Warning: It may lead you to get up and dance!  :-D

Our sin has been erased! We'll never be the same! We are made alive in Christ!

  This is the good news!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The First Two Days Back To School Were...


         I enjoyed getting to know your children so much. They are all so special and unique in their own way and it blesses my heart greatly to be their teacher.

The first day of school:
The 6th graders putting their binders together. 
Aren't they precious?!
                    This IS the day that the Lord has made! 
                                   Our first day activity
These creations were made through (an AWESOME 
website to create pictures out of words), using our BIO poems. 
I read this book to the students so they would know 
HOW special and unique they are!

Second Day: Learning each others' multiple intelligences!

The 6th graders getting ready to take their multiple intelligence test!
             Zach is our classroom mathematician...

  Zach finished his work early so he's enjoying a good read!

 Alex's first multiple intelligence is Body Smart! He loves sports!

Megan is also Body Smart! She said she helps with worship 
movements at her church!

Below is a list of the majority of the multiple intelligences.
      Lining up for lunch!
   I tried to get in this one but it didn't work out so well.
  Mrs. Bartlett and I excited about our first two days of teaching!
     4th, 5th, and 6th graders at P.E.
   They worked super hard! Crossfit is legit!
    Some of the 5th and 6th grade boys about to play some soccer

    The girls hanging out...
    The 4th grade boys joined in the soccer fun!
     Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Vieau
    The girls cooling off by the big fan!

                                Cute friends

I started reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
 (Chronicles of Narnia)  by C.S. Lewis with the 5th graders.
       (They were cooling off from recess and P.E.)
   The 5th graders finding out their multiple intelligences!  
Don't forget to ask your child what their multiple intelligence is!

If you want to take the test, go here:

More posts to come! It was a great two days and I'm looking forward to our first full week together.

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Houck 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

About Mrs. Houck

            Greetings! I am honored and privileged to be apart of the staff here at Christ Community School this year! This is definitely my dream job. I asked the Lord continuously throughout my schooling to give me the opportunity to work in an environment that honors Him! I am praising God because CCS is an answer to my prayers.

           I have been married for 2 years to the wonderful Mr. Houck. He is the best tangible gift God has given me on this earth. I am so thankful for his leadership in my life. My husband and I attend RiversEnd Community Church ( We helped plant the church 3 years ago and have enjoyed flourishing in the Lord together with this community of believers. My husband and I enjoy reading together, taking our dog Neila out, watching (good) movies, worshiping the Lord together, and simply being with each other. We love hanging out with family, friends, and whoever the Lord places in our path.

           Some things that I enjoy are; quiet times with the Lord, worship, homemaking, photography, spending time with family and friends, blogging, and of course... loving on precious children.

          Ever since the age of 14 I've had a desire to teach and work with children. Over the years through babysitting, nannying, working at day cares, the YMCA and going through school, the desire developed from a small one to a big one very fast. I realized a couple of years ago that this desire is truly from the Lord and I must pursue it.
          The most important thing about me is my relationship with Christ. Every day I realize more and more how GREAT Christ is and how much I need Him in EVERY aspect of my life. I believe Christ makes us whole as a person, which is the process of sanctification. With the wholeness Christ brings, we find the ability to succeed spiritually, academically, emotionally, and socially. If you are interested in my salvation story, email me and I will share it with you!

          My motto is; to live is Christ! To live life to the fullest and be the best me possible, is to depend fully on Christ and rest in His loving plan for my life.

          That's me in a nutshell! I am praying for a wonderful and successful year!

- Mrs. Houck