Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Hello dear families and students,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. I sure did. I was wanting to get this post out before the last day of break, but better late than never, right?! :)

The week before thanksgiving the students helped create a "Thankfulness Chain" for our classroom. We talked about our need to be thankful for people, things, good circumstances and even hard circumstances.

Being thankful to God for hard circumstances is not easy, but is vital to help us stay afloat during the hard times in life. It was interesting to hear the students' responses to circumstances they are thankful for!

Here are pictures of our class thankfulness chain in the making..


 The 5th grader's didn't have as much time so they had to choose a one circumstance, person, and thing:

TA-DA! Here's half of the chain. 

 I am thankful for...
1. Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! 
2. My sweet husband....
3. The Lord graciously giving me my dream teaching job and the precious kids/families that came with it!
4. Seasons of waiting on the Lord
5. My dog Neila
6. A cozy apartment
Oh and 7. NEW STUDENTS! Welcome Mack Wooddell! :) 

Go ahead and comment below (you'll have to click the post title to comment if you're reading this via email) with a few things you're thankful for!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. I sure did miss seeing those sweet faces during the break!
Mrs. Houck :)


  1. I am so thankful for you, Mrs. Houck! Thank you for letting us "peek" into the classroom occasionally for the good stuff!!

  2. It is my absolute pleasure, Ms. Hart! You are such a blessing! I am thankful for you and Jack!
