Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wells of Hope Uganda

About a month ago we had a wonderful guest missionary in Chapel: Francis Ssuubi. He is the director and founder of Wells of Hope in Uganda. At Wells of Hope, they find orphaned children of prisoners and assist them. Some ways they assist them are by giving them a shelter and a school to attend (which provides them with the gospel, education, clothes, and food) as well as making trips to the prisons to reconcile relationships with family. 

Francis Ssuubi talked to us about some of the hardships that are faced in Uganda, and the hope that they bring to suffering families. 

The students at CCS made some SUPER sweet cards for Francis to send back to his children at Wells of Hope. Francis was so blessed by the overwhelming love he sensed from CCS! Enjoy these precious pictures!

I'll end with a conversation I had with Christopher Smith:
Chris: "Mrs. Houck, I really liked that guy." 
Me: "What did you like about him?"
Chris: "I don't know, I just really liked him!" 

It was really sweet because that was the response from the majority of the children. As you can see in the pictures above, the student's FLOCKED to him after chapel was over. Everyone wanted hugs from this missionary man. I simply believe it was the Holy Spirit that gave us a deep love for Francis. How else can you explain a deep appreciation and care for someone you just met?.... Only Jesus and His Spirit within us! 

CCS is now monthly supporting Wells of Hope. Please prayerfully consider supporting a child in the Wells of Hope Academy. You can also have your child set aside money to bring to chapel for Wells of Hope like you would for Compassion International! 

Check out their website for more info


Love always in our AWESOME Lord! 
Mrs. Houck

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