Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

Both 5th and 6th grade students are on their 4th week of reading The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. The Hiding Place is a biography of a Christian (Corrie Ten Boom) who was captured with her family by the Nazi's because they hid Jews and were taken to a concentration camp during World War II. This book is powerful and meaningful in too many ways to name. It is a 7th grade level book, but both 5th and 6th grade students are excelling greatly because they enjoy the subject matter. I've enjoyed watching the students grow spiritually while learning about our world's History. We are currently on chapter 8 together. The German's have invaded Holland and are beginning the process of capturing the Jews. The Ten Boom family and their home (the Beje) have become the source of rescue for many Jews in the area. 

Last week, I had the students write a Newspaper Article about the recent news in Harleem, Holland (Where the Ten Boom family lives.) Here are some of our students' work: 

One of the other projects I had the students do was to make a secret room like Mr. Smit made for the Ten Booms in the Beje. Most of the students drew a picture, while three students took it on themselves to make a secret room by using Minecraft! I am a very impressed teacher! Watch below!!!!

Alex Cornwell made a movie trailer called "The Secret Room"

Zach followed in his footsteps and made one as well! 


Pretty impressive, huh? It makes me want to read the book and rent the movie! I am so proud of these creative kids!

Noah made the whole Beje (Ten Boom family house!) via Minecraft! Using his Ipad, he took the class through the Ten Boom house and then showed us the "secret room!" When we get some footage I will upload it here as well!!!

The students reading diligently: 

 The students' shelves where they hold their chapter summaries! 

Missing: Lexie and Zach due to absence. 

Your Proud teacher, 
Mrs. Houck

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