Wednesday, January 22, 2014

5th and 6th Grade Field Trips

Fifth grade went with Mrs. Bartlett to Yellowstone Academy in South Houston where they helped organize supplies and serve the students! What a sweet blessing that these students served the Lord in this way! 

The 6th graders went to see the movie The Christmas Candle and then went to serve the elderly at The Forum. The Christmas Candle is a Christian movie based off of a Max Lucado book. The film was JAM-packed with good lessons about faith and trusting God! 

Goofy pictures while waiting for movie! 

The students made 60+ Christmas cards to give out to the elderly. It was a memorable moment for me as a first year teacher to watch these students share the love of Christ at the Forum Christmas Party. 

                                handing out cards, food, and chatting... (makes my heart happy!)
 The students also got to perform one of their Christmas play songs for the elderly! They loved it! 

                                     Here are some posters they made for the nursing home as well!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25: 40

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