Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Fun and Dress Down Day!

The 6th graders using expressions (confused, shocked, joyful) to show how certain people felt when the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost.

Our two lovely 5th and 6th grade girls

The 5th graders lining up to learn some Language Arts and History! 

 Smile, God loves you a BUNCH! 
The 6th graders hanging out on "Dress Down Day"
 The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders waiting for P.E. on Dress Down Day. 
Pete and Jack enjoying the heights of the playground!  

 Beautiful Megan
 Alex's favorite move. 
Sister Love!!

Thanks again to you 5th and 6th grade families that made my birthday so special!
Sweet Mrs. Bartlett decorated my room! She's so thoughtful!

The table of gifts! Thank you all so much! God is good! 

I'm looking forward to our field trip to Forest Glen next week!!!!

Mrs. Houck

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