Thursday, September 26, 2013

More Adventures from the Month of September!

The 5th and 6th grade students learning about the Constitution on Constitution Day! 
Playing the Constitution Interactive Board Game online! 
 Almost there

5th grade playing!


The 6th graders rock homes... pretty cool!!!!!

5th and 6th grade students about to perform a skit for the little ones at Chapel

 Can you guess which story it is?....
 Alex playing Jesus. He's speaking inside a "home"
 The story of the Paralytic man!

 About to be dropped down into the house... they are desperate to meet Jesus!
 Jesus Healed Him! He's saying "PRAISE GOD!"
                                                   The skit is below for your viewing pleasure!

I'm so proud of Zach! He got the kindness award from Ms. Lentini! Such a sweetie. 
 Mom came to congratulate him! 
 Such a good role model! 

For those who couldn't make it to open house, here's a little sneak peak...

                                       Below is some journal writings from your students....

 Amazed by these precious hearts ^ I feel extremely privileged to be able to teach these kids!

6th grade working on their Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals in Cuneiform.

 Finished Products!!!

 This month's kindness award goes to........

 Great Job exhibiting the kindness of our Lord, Alex!

See You at the Pole was wonderful. 

God Bless America! 

Well, I think we're all caught up! I pray you are blessed by getting a glimpse into your child's day. We are looking forward to the month of October! Next month's character trait is NEATNESS. 

 Lastly some encouragement, because we all need it! 

Blessings in Christ,
Mrs. Houck

School These Days :)

In History a couple of weeks ago, the students attempted to be car salesman with their homemade Car Advertisement...
We had so much fun!!!
Ethan was giving away Astro tickets and a free years worth of gas for those who bought his Honda Civic!
      Jack's looked like A REAL advertisement! 

 Chris is a natural born salesman. He was auctioning off an older automobile. 
 Hand movements and all... :) 

 Noah showing off his truck. 

 Ben's selling a truck!
 Anyone in need of a Lamborghine? Pete's selling one for $400,000!

 Lexie's selling a sassy red Corvette! 

 Patriot Day on Sept. 11th. 

The student's observed the Newspaper articles and wrote about the event in their journals. 

The 6th graders in Bible Class learning about economy in God's Kingdom. OUR MONEY IS REALLY ALL HIS-- STEWARDED TO US! Lesson: Love God more than money. 

                                           Some of the 6th graders revising their Personal Narrative

Megan and Alex playing tag all by themselves on the playground (Our Zach was sick!)
   A good daily reminder for us all... words of wisdom from Alex Cornwell

We love Christ Community School!
In God's amazing love,
Mrs. Houck